Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Little Victories- Merry Christmas!

I have been trying to find replacements of Noah's favorites food with gluten and casein free items. This is much harder than I anticipated but we are making some progress.

I purchased gluten free oatmeal (glutenfreeda from amazon.com) and snicker doodle cookies (Life is Good brand) and Noah loves them!!!! Victory! He also likes the GFCF pudding (Zen brand) I found as well as the GF chicken nuggets. I am going to continue switching out foods until we completely eliminate gluten and casein from his diet.

In other news, we are starting to see a few breakthroughs over the last few weeks with his behavior. He appears to be much more engaged with us than he used to be. He practices giving good eye contact with me (it is so funny because he is making a concerted effort to do this, like he is being timed) and he is enjoying typical toys. He still stims on car and truck wheels but not to the extent he used to. He is starting to say "Bye" and use the gesture. This is HUGE! He has never done this consistently. Now we are working on using it in the correct context. We are also working on saying "Hi" with the gesture. As far as socialization, he is handling Gymboree classes better. He doesn't cry the entire time we are there (yay!) and he is tolerating some of the activities they do on the mat.

I am so thankful to the Lord for these encouraging developments.

Merry Christmas!

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